
Safety Issues When Riding on An Escalator by Schindler Malaysia

Blast from the Past! We were honoured to have Schindler Malaysia team to inform our students at Cutie Cottage about the safety issues when riding on an escalator. Thank you Schindler!

Outdoor Play for 3 Years Old

Hurrah! Outdoor play for all the 3 years old. We pretended to be walking on a trapeze, parachute play, bubble play and TAG with our educarers.

Chugging Down to the Rainforest at 1 Utama

Chugging down to the Rainforest at 1 Utama with the 5’s via Starling shuttle bus and MRT to consolidate our learning about transportation.

Child 1: “It is an automated transportation.”
Child 2: “Fishes are too slippery to ride on.”

Project and Inquiry Based Learning

Project and Inquiry based learning are the roots of our learning tree for the 4’s, 5’s and 6’s. A building block from the child’s prior knowledge, through experts, excursions and also readings.

Trash Hero

Trash Hero Kuala Lumpur

Thank you Trash Hero Kuala Lumpur supporting us in this. Our children learned and enjoyed this outing. It means a lot and would definitely leave an impact on them.